Ctrl K For Mac

Amaya keyboard shortcuts for Mac OSX

  1. Ctrl C For Mac
  2. Keyboard Shortcuts In Excel - Office Support

The Macintosh offers a key labeled Control (or, on laptops, “ctrl”), but it isn’t the equivalent of the PC’s Ctrl key. The Mac’s Control key is primarily for helping you “right-click” things, as described earlier. Instead, the Macintosh equivalent of the Windows Ctrl key is the ⌘ key. It’s right next to the space bar. 30 keyboard shortcuts Mac users need to know This collection of keyboard shortcuts for macOS can help users get the most from their iMacs, MacBook Pro and MacBook laptops.

Amaya defines two kinds of keyboard shortcuts for Mac OS X: shortcuts usingstandard Apple modifier keys (ex. Cmd+C to copy the selection) and shortcutsusing sequences (ex. Ctrl-t Ctrl-t to create a table). As Mac OS X users arenot familiar with shortcut sequences in menu entries, only standard shortcutsare shown by default. To display them, you have to select the optionDisplay all shortcuts in thePreferences > General dialog and restart Amaya.

Standard Shortcuts

Go To homeAlt Home
Start of pageCmd Home
End of pageCmd End
Start of lineHome
End of lineEnd
Scroll downCmd Down Arrow
Scroll upCmd Up Arrow
File menu
Open documentCmd O
ReloadCmd R
BackAlt Left Arrow
ForwardAlt Right Arrow
SaveCmd S
Save asCmd Shift S
SynchronizeCmd Y
Setup and printCmd P
PrintCmd Shift P
Close tabCmd W
Close windowCmd Shift W
Edit menu
UndoCmd Z
RedoCmd Shift Z
CutCmd X
CopyCmd C
PasteCmd V
FindCmd F
Nest list itemsTab
Move up list itemsShift Tab
Structure navigation
Parent elementF2 (or Fn F2)
First childShift F2 (or Shift Fn F2)
Next elementF4 (or Fn F4)
Previous elementShift F4 (or Shift Fn F4)
Views menu
Show toolsF8
Zoom inCmd +
Zoom outCmd -
Show map areasShift Cmd M
Show targetsShift Cmd G
Show structureShift Cmd R
Show sourceShift Cmd U
Show linksShift Cmd L
Show alternateShift Cmd A
Show table of contentsShift Cmd T
Split view horizontallyShift Cmd H
Split view verticallyShift Cmd V
Insert menu
ParagraphCmd Shift Return
BreakCmd Return
Tools menu
Check spellingCmd :

Shortcut using sequences

Insert menu
Map AreaCtrl h Ctrl m
PreformattedCtrl h Ctrl p
AddressCtrl h Ctrl a
Horizontal RuleCtrl h Ctrl h
ImageCtrl h Ctrl i
DivisionCtrl h Ctrl v
BlockquoteCtrl h Ctrl q
RubyCtrl h Ctrl r
CommentCtrl h Ctrl c
Heading menu
Heading 1Ctrl h Ctrl 1
Heading 2Ctrl h Ctrl 2
Heading 3Ctrl h Ctrl 3
Heading 4Ctrl h Ctrl 4
Heading 5Ctrl h Ctrl 5
Heading 6Ctrl h Ctrl 6
List menu
Bulleted ListCtrl h Ctrl l
Numbered ListCtrl h Ctrl n
Definition ListCtrl h Ctrl d
Form menu
Insert a FormCtrl o Ctrl f
ButtonCtrl o Ctrl b
CheckboxCtrl o Ctrl t
File SelectorCtrl o Ctrl u
HiddenCtrl o Ctrl h
ImageCtrl o Ctrl m
PasswordCtrl o Ctrl p
RadioCtrl o Ctrl r
ResetCtrl o Ctrl x
SubmitCtrl o Ctrl s
TextCtrl o Ctrl i
FieldsetCtrl o Ctrl c
LabelCtrl o Ctrl l
MenuCtrl o Ctrl n
SubmenuCtrl o Ctrl g
TextareaCtrl o Ctrl a
Object menu
ObjectCtrl h Ctrl o
ParameterCtrl h Ctrl w
Table and Edit table menus
TableCtrl t Ctrl t
CaptionCtrl t Ctrl l
Change to Data cellCtrl t Ctrl d
Change to Heading cellCtrl t Ctrl h
Join with the cell at the rightCtrl t Ctrl e
Join with the cell belowCtrl t Ctrl j
Shrink horizontal extendCtrl t Ctrl s
Shrink vertical extendCtrl t Ctrl m
Select the rowCtrl t Ctrl r
Insert a rowCtrl t Ctrl i
Append a rowCtrl t Ctrl n
Select the columnCtrl t Ctrl c
Insert a columnCtrl t Ctrl b
Append a columnCtrl t Ctrl a
Paste beforeCtrl t Ctrl p
Paste afterCtrl t Ctrl v
Information Type menu
EmphasisCtrl i Ctrl e
StrongCtrl i Ctrl s
CiteCtrl i Ctrl w
DefinitionCtrl i Ctrl x
CodeCtrl i Ctrl t
VariableCtrl i Ctrl v
SampleCtrl i Ctrl m
KeyboardCtrl i Ctrl k
AbbreviationCtrl i Ctrl u
AcronymCtrl i Ctrl y
InsertionCtrl i Ctrl i
DeletionCtrl i Ctrl d
Character element menu
QuotationCtrl i Ctrl q
BiDi overrideCtrl i Ctrl z
Math menu
Insert a formulaCtrl m Ctrl m
New matrixCtrl m Ctrl h
Plain textCtrl m Ctrl x
IdentifierCtrl m Ctrl d
NumberCtrl m Ctrl n
OperatorCtrl m Ctrl g
SpaceCtrl m Ctrl Space
CharacterCtrl m Ctrl e
InvisibleTimesCtrl m Ctrl i
ApplyFunctionCtrl m Ctrl a
RootCtrl m Ctrl r
Square rootCtrl m Ctrl q
EncloseCtrl m Ctrl c
FractionCtrl m Ctrl f
Subscript and SuperscriptCtrl m Ctrl b
SubscriptCtrl m Ctrl v
SuperscriptCtrl m Ctrl 6
Under and OverCtrl m Ctrl k
UnderCtrl m Ctrl u
OverCtrl m Ctrl o
ParenthesesCtrl m Ctrl p
MultiscriptsCtrl m Ctrl s
Palette math
Structure rowCtrl m Ctrl l
PiecewiseCtrl m Ctrl j
MatrixCtrl m Ctrl t
FactorialCtrl m Ctrl !
Universal quantifierCtrl M Ctrl A
ComplexesCtrl M Ctrl C
DifferentialCtrl M Ctrl D
Partial differentialCtrl M Ctrl d
There existsCtrl M Ctrl E
ArrowCtrl M Ctrl F
Arrow with baseCtrl M Ctrl f
Greater than or equalCtrl M Ctrl G
IntegralCtrl M Ctrl I
Special integralCtrl M Ctrl i
ImplyCtrl M Ctrl J
Equivalent toCtrl M Ctrl j
Less or equalCtrl M Ctrl L
ApplicationCtrl M Ctrl M
NaturalsCtrl M Ctrl N
NegationCtrl M Ctrl n
Product from ... to ...Ctrl M Ctrl P
ProductCtrl M Ctrl p
RationnalsCtrl M Ctrl Q
RealsCtrl M Ctrl R
Sum from ... to ...Ctrl M Ctrl S
SumCtrl M Ctrl s
Tend to ...Ctrl M Ctrl T
Tend to ... when ... tend to ...Ctrl M Ctrl t
UnionCtrl M Ctrl U
Column vectorCtrl M Ctrl V
Line vectorCtrl M Ctrl v
Is inCtrl M Ctrl Y
IncludesCtrl M Ctrl y
Relative numbersCtrl M Ctrl Z
Alphabet grec
alpha : α, ΑCtrl g Ctrl a / Ctrl G Ctrl A
beta : β, ΒCtrl g Ctrl b / Ctrl G Ctrl B
gamma : γ, ΓCtrl g Ctrl c / Ctrl G Ctrl C
delta : δ, ΔCtrl g Ctrl d / Ctrl G Ctrl D
epsilon : ε, ΕCtrl g Ctrl e / Ctrl G Ctrl E
zeta : ζ, ΖCtrl g Ctrl z / Ctrl G Ctrl Z
eta : η, ΗCtrl g Ctrl h / Ctrl G Ctrl H
theta : θ, ΘCtrl g Ctrl j / Ctrl G Ctrl J
iota : ι, ΙCtrl g Ctrl i / Ctrl G Ctrl I
kappa : κ, ΚCtrl g Ctrl k / Ctrl G Ctrl K
lambda : λ, ΛCtrl g Ctrl l / Ctrl G Ctrl L
mu : μ, ΜCtrl g Ctrl m / Ctrl G Ctrl M
nu : ν, ΝCtrl g Ctrl n / Ctrl G Ctrl N
xi : ξ, ΞCtrl g Ctrl q / Ctrl G Ctrl Q
omicron : ο, ΟCtrl g Ctrl o / Ctrl G Ctrl O
pi : π, ΠCtrl g Ctrl p / Ctrl G Ctrl P
rho : ρ, ΡCtrl g Ctrl r / Ctrl G Ctrl R
sigma : σ, ΣCtrl g Ctrl s / Ctrl G Ctrl S
tau : τ, ΤCtrl g Ctrl t / Ctrl G Ctrl T
upsilon : υ, ΥCtrl g Ctrl u / Ctrl G Ctrl U
phi : φ, ΦCtrl g Ctrl f / Ctrl G Ctrl F
chi : χ, ΧCtrl g Ctrl x / Ctrl G Ctrl X
psi : ψ, ΨCtrl g Ctrl y / Ctrl G Ctrl Y
omega : ω, ΩCtrl g Ctrl w / Ctrl G Ctrl W
Links menu
Copy locationCtrl l Ctrl c
Link to previous targetCtrl l Ctrl p
Create or change linkCtrl l Ctrl l
Create targetCtrl l Ctrl t
Delete anchorCtrl l Ctrl d
Format menu
Create ruleCtrl i Ctrl c
Show applied styleCtrl i Ctrl g
LinkCtrl i Ctrl l
OpenCtrl i Ctrl o
RemoveCtrl i Ctrl r
Tools menu
TransformCtrl t Ctrl x
Change titleCtrl h Ctrl t
Generate table of contentsCtrl h Ctrl g
Graphics menu
Show the graphic libraryCtrl l Ctrl s
Add the selected graphics in the libraryCtrl l Ctrl f

Gmail is the most popular email providers out there. While most people opt for the Gmail service, Outlook enjoys a sizable following among consumers and enterprise users. Unlike Gmail, Outlook offers a native app on Windows and Mac. While it gets the job done, you will find the icons and text too small. Instead of using the cursor to navigate and use the Outlook app, you should opt for the Outlook keyboard shortcuts on Windows and Mac.

Outlook app isn’t limited to the Mail function only. It also integrates Calendar, Contacts, Microsoft To-Do, and Sticky Notes in it. The keyboard shortcuts add-on becomes even more evident as you may need to navigate the app menus.

Using keyboard shortcuts, you can quickly mark emails read, delete those marketing junk, flag an email to send it straight to Microsoft To-Do, and even compose an event in the Outlook calendar.

This post will cover the top fifteen Outlook keyboard shortcuts for Windows and Mac. Memorize them and witness your productivity going through the roof. Let’s get started.

Also on Guiding Tech
How to Auto-Delete Emails in Microsoft Outlook
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1. Navigate Among Prime Outlook Menus

As I mentioned earlier, the Outlook desktop apps have Contacts,Calendar, Tasks, and Sticky Notes integration. You can either use the cursor at the bottom corner to move between them or opt for the shortcuts' swift keyboard.

You can use the Command + 1/2/3/4/5 on Mac or Ctrl + 1/2/3/4/5 onWindows to navigate Contacts, Calendar, Mail, and more in Outlook.

2. Reply to Email

One of the major quirks with Outlook Windows and Mac apps is thatmost menus and icons are small. New users will have a hard timefinding the relevant action button. If you want to quickly reply to anemail in Outlook then select the mail and hit the Command + R for Mac orCtrl + R on Windows to open the reply mail menu.

3. Forward Mail

Email Forwarding is another option that many of us use regularly. You can press the Command + J on Mac or Ctrl + F on Windows to forward the selected mail on Outlook.

4. Mark All Email as Read

It's quite easy to fill up the inbox with the irrelevant mails from marketers, banking offers, and promotional stuff in today's day and age.Instead of going through all these emails, you can quickly use theOption + Command + T on Mac or Ctrl + Q on Windows to mark emails asread.

5. Use Flags

I use the flag function all the time in Microsoft Outlook. When youflag an email, it will directly go to the Microsoft To-Do tasks app. Youshould select an email and use the Ctrl + Shift + G on Windows orControl + 0 keys on Mac to flag an email.

6. Mark As Unread

Accidently marked an email as Read? You can quickly set it as unread byusing a keyboard shortcut. Select an email and use Ctrl + U on Windowsor Shift + Command + T on Mac to mark it as unread.


7. Use Search Bar

Outlook offers an advanced search function to swift find an emailthat you are looking for. You can use Ctrl + E on Windows Option +Command + F on Mac to use the filter in the search bar.

8. Archive Mail

Outlook provides a handy keyboard shortcut to archive mail. Selectthe mail and use Control + E on Mac or E key on Windows to send theemail to the Archive menu.

9. Move Mail to Any Folder

You can neatly organize the Outlook Inbox using folders. Select anemail and use the Shift + Ctrl + M on Windows or Shift + Command + M onMac to move the email to a different folder.

10. Mark As Junk

Junk folder lets you put away the irrelevant emails in a separatefolder. To mark an email as Junk, use the Ctrl + J on Windows or Shift +Command + J on Mac. You can also opt for the Ctrl + Alt + J keys to mark an email as not Junk on Windows.

11. Create New Event in Calendar

Outlook Calendar is one of the important parts of the Outlookexperience. First up, switch to the Calendar menu (Command + 2 on Mac orCtrl + 2 on Windows) and use the Command + N keys on Mac or Ctrl + N onWindows to create a new event in Calendar.

Also on Guiding Tech
Apple Mail vs Outlook for Mac: Which macOS Email App Is Better
Read More

12. Navigate Different Views in Calendar

You can easily switch among different calendar views such as Today,Week, Month, and more. First, switch to the Calendar menu using thekeyboard shortcut and switch among calendar views using Alt +1/2/3/4/5 on Windows or Control + Command + 1/2/3/4/5 keys on Mac.

That has been my most-used Outlook Calendar shortcut.

13. Sync Outlook App

If you miss the latest data in the Outlook app, then use the Control + Command + K keys on Mac to sync the app.

14. Add New Task

Microsoft has integrated Microsoft To-Do in the Outlookapp. You can switch to the Tasks menu using the trick one and then usethe Command + N on Mac or Ctrl + N on Windows to add new tasks.

15. Add an Emoji in Email Conversation

As you may expect, the Outlook email app comes with a rich editor tocustomize the text. If you want to add an emoji duringthe reply, then use Control + Command + Space on Mac or Windows Key + .on Windows to open the emoji panel. Using the same keyboard shortcut,you can integrate special characters such as trademark, copyright, currency symbols, and others in conversation.

Also on Guiding Tech
Click here to see our outlook articles page

Use Outlook Like a Pro

Using keyboard shortcuts, you can efficiently navigate the Outlookapp. Master them, and you will hardly need the trackpad or mouse to usethe Outlook app. If there is another keyboard shortcut that youregularly use in Outlook, let us know about it in the commentssection below.

Next up:Using Outlook, you can auto-forward emails. Read the post below to learn how to auto-forward emails in Outlook.

The above article may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. However, it does not affect our editorial integrity. The content remains unbiased and authentic.Read Next

Ctrl C For Mac

How to Auto-Forward Emails in Outlook

Keyboard Shortcuts In Excel - Office Support

Also See#Lists #email

Did You Know

The term spam pre-dates e-mail.

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