Haxe For Mac

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Hexa Format

Documentation > Building from sources: Haxe, nekovm, Haxe tools > Creating Mac OSX distributions

Creating a distribution

To have your local build packaged up for distribution you can use the PackageMaker project from this repository. Make sure to place the sources in a folder adjacent to your haxe build folder (i.e., if ./projects/haxe is where you placed install.ml or checked out the Haxe sources using CVS, than the installed package sources should be at ./projects/haxe-inst)


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You're very welcome! Ssd for mac 2009. I'm sorry that you couldn't get a 'better deal' with shipping from OWC.FWIW. I have not replaced any of my other Macs with SSDs other than the MacBook I mentioned earlier. I would recommend the former.

Be sure to modify the version numbers listed within the project file, and the INFO.txt file. Open haxe.pmproj with the PackageManager. Do a quick run-through through the PackageManager Interface Editor and resolve the hard-set paths on the background image, and the LICENCE.txt and INFO.txt files to your local paths. Once this maintenance is done, save the project but leave the PackageManager application without building the package.

Haxe Format String

ForMacHaxe macro reification

Open a terminal window and go to the installer sources root folder. Type $ ./package . Your distribution should be ready (at haxe.pkg).

Creating a Universal distribution

Creating a Universal distribution only requires that you have a version of the Haxe compiler build for the opposite platform of your local build. So, if you build Haxe on Intel, ask someone on the list for the eqivalent PPC version - or vice versa. This way you'll end up with two versions of the Haxe compiler.

Open a terminal at the bin folder of your Haxe source folder. Rename haxe to either haxe_ppc or haxe_i386, depending on your platfrom. Next copy the haxe compiler for the opposite platform to the folder. Rename this file either haxe_i386 or haxe_ppc.

Run $ lipo -create -arch ppc haxe_ppc -arch i386 haxe_i386 -output haxe to have the two versions merged into one single Universal executable (haxe).

Haxe For Mac Os

Continue creating your distribution as outlined at Creating a distribution. Don't worry about making haxelib and haxedoc Universal: they already, are since the underlying Neko binaries are.

Haxe Macro Context

Building on Mac PPC

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Haze Machine

version #13752, modified 2012-04-15 08:45:31 by elyon